Wednesday, July 8, 2009


Actually I found my sisters blog and pictures are abundant there so I can share more of life! I got to go home for the 4th of July and I got to go home on the 2nd due to the 3rd being celebrated in Logan. On the third this was the weather smack in the middle of the afternoon (all day had been sunny) . . .
That's right - HAIL! It left TONS of water! The streets of Arco had large puddles filling them!
And then after this we went and worked on the parade float for Mountain View RV Park and Cafe - I used to work here and now my brother Cody and sister Shayna do.
This is me, Mom, and Dad enjoying the parade! Not only was it 4th of July but Arco has been around 100 years too! We went to the fireworks later that night and forgot the camera but as usual they were great and the rumble off the mountains was amazing! I hope you all had a great Independence Day! It's truly wonderful to live in a place like America!
This is a part of the float. Adam is in red and like last year these guys threw all their candy at the beginning of the parade - we were offered bark.

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