Dear back of mine,
I really didn't mean to hurt you... feel better, ok?
the person you help walk around
Dear Ireland,
I cannot wait to see you and experience your beauty and adventures. I love being excited and having something to tell people I am doing besides job hunting.
The girl who searched for four-leaf clovers all summer
Dear mom,
You are super splendid for taking me shopping the way I like to! Thank you muchly. I love you dearly.
Your dressed-cute-and-for-success daughter
Dear job option,
Please let me get you! I am experienced and educated and would love to perform those tasks. I don't mind moving back either...
Thank you,
The seeker of you
Dear National Treasure,
Thank you for having a character named Riley Poole. I quite enjoy laughing and smiling while learning a little history.
a movie watcher
Dear conference talks,
I love reading you. Thanks for enriching my life and for being given by inspired church leaders.
Dear Logan friends and family,
I miss you.
Dear Halloween,
I'm not doing much for you this year but I've enjoyed some of your movies and music. Including those below:
And this new favorite random fun song complete with free download from her website (her other song is good too).
the isolated country girl
p.s. any other songs come to your mind?
Dear Sunday,
You were good to me. Thanks for a great morning, church block, dinner, and cookies! And family... and telephones so other family can be called!Oh and I love this song:
I like when life feels really good. :)
a happy gal
1 comment:
I am in love with Riley Poole also. Also, I love your guts and miss you like crazy. And I love the zombie song, and I love Hilary's new song. And so mostly, there is not one single thing I do not love about this post. The end. :)
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