Can I just say this weekend was superb?
8 hours of wonderful inspired sharing of knowledge from people like this:
I can't wait to read all of it in the Ensign.
If you missed out you can catch up here!
Meanwhile, I read this talk by Elder Uchtdorf from the YW broadcast.
Wow is all I can say.
Although I'm reminded of it all the time,
it's hits you harder some times than others.
Two days of my family.
Remember this post from last year,
Wow it sure doesn't feel that long ago,
and I wish I had taken more pictures this year.
AND celebrating the knowledge of this:
8 hours of wonderful inspired sharing of knowledge from people like this:
I can't wait to read all of it in the Ensign.
If you missed out you can catch up here!
Meanwhile, I read this talk by Elder Uchtdorf from the YW broadcast.
Wow is all I can say.
Although I'm reminded of it all the time,
it's hits you harder some times than others.
Two days of my family.
Remember this post from last year,
Wow it sure doesn't feel that long ago,
and I wish I had taken more pictures this year.
AND celebrating the knowledge of this:
Sorry it's so BIG. Throws my groove off too.
All of these things = Just what I needed.
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