Friday, February 4, 2011

Delicious Moments Part II

Strawberry Rhubarb Pie . . . and making heart-shaped homemade butter.

Pepperjack Cheese

Rainbow Pancakes - I am waiting for Shayna's editing skills so for now you are stuck with this picture. In real life these were fun to eat and cut into. Yum.

Real Maple Syrup

Old Disney Movie Favorites


Finishing Rumpelstiltskin
(Any suggestions of fun short stories to read with friends)

A fun beautiful fairytale-filled picture
Dorito's Commercial
(watch the one with the two guys in white shirts and the fish bowl- the others aren't nearly as great.)
One makeshift, big, comfy bed.
Finished Projects

Little (yet HUGE) tender mercies

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I've never eaten a pumelo. are they delightful?